In the light of what is currently taken place globally I thought that the timing was right for me to update you on what is currently happening around our urbanisation, with particular emphasis on security.
Since the issue of our half yearly newsletter we the committee continue to try and police as best we can our community areas. We have found that more than ever before visitors who have no right to be in possession of community keys have them. That we are finding an influx of individuals seeking entrance to our areas whether it is for legitimate business or otherwise, (otherwise seems to be the case).
You should be aware that these individuals rarely have any form of identification and in most instances choose not to be able to speak english or understand the language.
I am currently reviewing all forms of security on the urbanisation, from presdestrian gates, veh gates, perimeter walls etc and those areas of vunerability. It might well be that some changes will have to be made straight away, but this will only be with the best interests of both property owners and the urbanisation. Please bear with us on this one. The subject of security will undoubtedly be high on the next AGM agenda.
We all have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to our neighbours to keep our urbanisation safe. I strongly urge you to be vigilant at all times, approach suspicious individuals cautiously and should you have any concerns or doubts report the matter to myself or a member of the committee at the earliest oppurtunity. The mesage is that we cannot be to complacent when it comes to security.
Lastly, I send this bulletin to you as a reminder of what can and is happening around us, but more importantly to ask you to play your part with us the committee to ensure we all have tranquility and peace particularly over the coming festive and new year periods. All remains now is for us to wish you a very merry xmas and a prosperous new year.
Your President
John Crooks